Unicorn Youth

26 Jul 2017

Is the internet a safe haven for LGBTQIA+ young people?

Education, Gender, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Youth

Is the internet a safe haven for LGBTQIA+ young people?

I’m back! I have missed you all heaps and am super excited to be back in the sparkly world of Unicorn Youth!
On this episode of Unicorn Youth we explore the exciting world of the internet!

The internet has totally changed queer life but is it for the better or worse?

The internet is now a platform for us to come out of the closet, to find like minded souls and to watch people go through their transition one YouTube video at a time.

But is it always a safe space for us? Josie (26), Maya (28) and Charlie (17) fill us in on their experiences in the online world.

Have they found the internet to be a safe haven? Or have trolls and the ability to be anonymous online increased the bullying and harassment that we sometimes face as queer young peeps?

❤ delsi


Intersectionality! Our Final Show of 2017!

29 Nov 2017

Intersectionality! Our Final Show of 2017!

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

The term “intersectionality,” was coined by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in a 1989 paper, and it’s the notion that oppressions intersect ...

How Do I Know I’m Queer?

25 Nov 2017

How Do I Know I’m Queer?

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

How are you feeling after the postal vote? Wasn't that a full on day?! I cried a lot! Did you ...

Gender Fluidity!

9 Nov 2017

Gender Fluidity!

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

How would you describe your gender? Do you feel like your gender identity has remained the same throughout your whole ...