Playlist April 21, 2013
Funky Girl, Albare iTD, Long Way
Joan of Arc, Jade Leonard, Glitterwood
Friday On My Mind, James Valentine Quartet, The Power and The Passion
Rich’s Piece, Maria Schneider Orchestra, Skyblue
Lost City, Anton Delecca Quartet, Lost City
The Shining Sea, Stan Getz, Summer Jazz
Regulated, The Anton Delecca Quartet, Lost City
It’s Only A Paper Moon, George Washingmachine & Julie O’hara
Osmotin, Charles Mingus, The Complete Town Hall Concert
Tiger Rag, Shirazz, ReWined

Sonja’s Artistic Bent to the Melbourne Women’s International Jazz Festival
Drummer, Composer and Educator Sonja Horbelt, the Artistic Director of the Melbourne Women's International Jazz Festival visited the Bent Notes ...

Lee’s Mosaic Storytelling
Lee Orszaczky, co-leader of the Sydney based music collective MOSAIC, spoke with Bent Notes about his family musical upbringing, including ...

Alastair’s Jobim Panorama
Alastair Kerr, one of Australia's leading exponents of Brazilian percussion and jazz drumming, visited the Bent Notes studio to chat ...