If you’re not all that into podcasts, here’s a couple of minutes just for you ….
David and Sue say THANK YOU to all involved in the last 10 years of Friday Drive Driving You Mad Driving You Crazy. This love is most of all for you, their listeners!
Share the love. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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]]>Request hour includes songs suited to the occasion plus a couple, in full in this podcast, which got a lot of mentions over the years but very little, if any, airtime because they are so ….. (fill in the blank!)
And to save them for posterity, here are some of the one-liner gems used as programme IDs, introduced with a straight face (or voice) by the wonderful Luke Gallagher. How did he manage to do that?!
Treasure this very special podcast.
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]]>To top off proceedings … Request Hour is the daggiest of daggy songs.
Ooh yes! Driving you mad, driving you crazy! It’s what David and Sue do.
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]]>The post Great Times appeared first on Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy.
]]>The post You’ve gotta laugh appeared first on Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy.
The post Friday Drive Interview: Hans – International Superstar and Berlin Boy Wonder! appeared first on Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy.
]]>The request hour is on between 6 and 7 pm each Friday so send in your music (or other – use your imagination!) requests when we’re on-air or via our Facebook page before the show and then listen to the frivolity and your songs on Friday nights.
So, get yours ready for this week and why limit your requests to music – David & Sue have lots of talents so why not request that they use them!
Become a member • Make a donation
The post REQUEST HOUR: You Asked for It so It’s the Radiothon Request Hour inc your LGBTIQA+ anthems, memberships & donations + all the fun #ListenNOW appeared first on Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy.
]]>Taking the place of the Melbourne International Arts Festival and White Night Melbourne, RISING is a major cultural event for the Asia Pacific Region created by a diverse team of local, national and international artists and curators. There is a call-out for even more ideas and participants, with grants available. Seize the opportunity!! Roll on 26 May – 6 June 2021.
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]]>What else is there to do in Virus Lock-down but binge?
Listeners share their favourite TV and streaming shows, a bit of food and drink and, for Request Hour, favourite LGBTIQA+ songs.
But lock-down won’t last forever.
Hannah Fox phones in to tell all about Rising, a new festival in Melbourne that was supposed to start this year but is now looking ahead to May 26 to June 6, 2021. We will be there!
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]]>This week’s Request Hour, all about food, brought a deluge of requests which gave rise to too much singing from David and Sue – to be fair, any singing from them is too much!
It also sets Sue off complaining about, amongst other things, citrus peel in hot cross buns and marmalade. Fussy or wot? Of course, it’s perfectly sensible of David to dislike mock duck.
There’s also an interview with Ivan Sun from Low Rez talking about what’s happening at the moment with the choir.
We’re ditching the corona tag. This week lockdown restrictions have been eased. But keep taking care people – we don’t want that tag back again!
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