Sci-Fi & Squeam

9 Aug 2014

The Spirit of Diversity, Comics, Zombies and more…

Games & Hobbies, Society & Culture, TV & Film, Uncategorized

Epsisode #31 Tuesday August the 5th 2014 in the JOY949 studios Melbourne town.

LIVE on the phone Sonja chatted to Eisner award winner ( well, one of them) Mitch Davies from All Star Comics in Melbourne who were awarded the : Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Award 2014

All Star Comics BLOG here

All Star Comics WEBSITE here


Mitch talks about the awesome award, being one of the best comics retailers in the world, and how they plan to do for more  Diversity by running a Women in Comics Reading Group at All Star :

We’d like to add too this idea that we are also thinking about creating a general comic reading group but thought it we would try a female focused one first. This is an area of comic readership we are keen to see develop and grow. We can appreciate that it can be sometimes intimidating to potential new female readers to ask questions about what books they might want to check out and we feel this might be a good way to help that in a positive group atmosphere.

The Squeamer chatted to Mark Hartley about his wonderful doco on Cannon Films: Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films.


Sonja The Squeamer welcomes back Andy Hawken from Behind The Mask as he takes a good Dive into Diversity in comics!

Does it even exist in the big players Marvel and DC ? and in what way? With the BIG news of a Captain America of Colour and Thor as a female the topic of Diversity in comics medium is a hot topic indeed! Andy also brings to our attention Face Value comics and something called Neuro Diversity, what is it?  Listen to this weeks show to find out!

Neuro Diversity and Autism and other conditions as seen in Comics

Face Value Comics here


And returning to the mics are Lady Killers on TV with Emma and Tina!

This month the ladies of genre television talk about Zombies on the Box! So what have they been watching Zombie like on the telly?

What is OUT there in Tubeland and what would they recommend you watch ?

Below In The Flesh ……Queer or what?

Lady Killers on Tv Zombies FB 1


Getting All Brains on this weeks Podcast sooo ENJOY!



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