The Informer

20 Nov 2017

What does Transgender Day of Remembrance mean to the trans community? : 20th November 2017

gender, Health, History, Media, Media, News & Politics, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

What does Transgender Day of Remembrance mean to the trans community? : 20th November 2017

20th of November is Transgender Day of Remembrance, and on this episode of The Informer we will be looking at what that actually means, as we speak to members of with the trans community about what this day means to them.

Transgender Day of Remembrance was established in 1999 by Gwendolyn Anne Smith, following the murder of a fellow transwoman, Rita Hester. It’s a day to remember all of the people we lost throughout the year because of acts of transphobic violence, to grieve as a community, and to strengthen our community bonds.

There are already over 100 transgender victims listed on the Transgender Day of Remembrance website for 2017. However, the actual statistics on transgender deaths are difficult to know.

Lara speaks to Bobuq Sayed, a writer, mixed media artist and community organizer for the Afghan diaspora and co-editor of Archer magazine and we discussed transnarratives and the role that grief plays in the trans community.


Every trans story is different. Not just from the personal perspective but also along the spectrum and diversity of what it means to be trans for every individual. Does this lead to cis individuals using that as an excuse to be uniformed or unaware about the trans experience, or do we all need to create better pathways for education and understanding?

Lara speaks to Shoshana Rosenberg, a   queer academic and musician. Who shed some light on building community cohesion and moving beyond grief.

This episode of The Informer is hosted by Lara Dickinson & Dylan Joel 


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Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021


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