Dying to Tell

16 Jul 2018

Do Funerals Matter? – Dying To Tell; Ep6


Do Funerals Matter? – Dying To Tell; Ep6

The philosopher, the anthropologist, the therapist and the funeral director join us as we ask – Do Funerals Matter?

As the funeral industry tries to stay relevant in a time of disruption from the death movement, start ups and families looking for non traditional options on this episode of Dying to Tell we are asking Do Funerals Matter? 

Guests on this episode :

Michael Arnold is Associate Professor and Head of Discipline in the History and Philosophy of Science Programme at the University of Melbourne.

Tamara Kohn is Associate Professor of Anthropology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne

Julia Cernaz is a counselor with qualifications in mental health, social work, couple and family therapy and specialist training in grief and bereavement. 

Michael Cox Director of Gardenia Funerals is a Melbourne based Funeral Director who began in the funeral profession almost 20 years ago


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