Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

4 Apr 2014

Happy 4th Birth-iversary to Us

Arts, Comedy, Music

We’re 4 today ! Is it a Birthday or is it an Anniversary? Happy 4th Birth-iversary to us and we get so many lovely messages that Sue gets worn out keeping up with them all.

Philip Adams, who danced in Kylie’s Locomotion music video, is in to talk about hypnotising his participants in a live art work but Sue gets distracted by the chicken dance. Conrad, SJ and Chris pop in to present David and Sue with their very own special Pet Shop Boys photo. And Brian Canham from Pseudo Echo talks about his new album called Ultra Violet, and we play the exclusive new song first here on JOY 94.9

John Caldwell is in to talk about National Youth Week with Zac Slattery, the Victorian representative, to talk about ‘Our Voice, Our Impact’ to bring a change of attitude to youth rights.

Andrew from Queenie’s Food Tours and Master Chef brings a Lego Birth-iversary cake to the studio to celebrate – but that poor cake, naughty Sue gobbles every corner from the four colour Lego cake. And Ande “the looker-upperer” has a photo collage gift for David and Sue. Sue calls it a kaleidoscope of photo’s. Or maybe it’s a ‘photo-piano-accordion-concertina thingy’?

And to round out the silliness that was our huge 4th Birth-iversary, Sue gives in and agrees to play the much requested and silly song from Benny Hill – Ernie the Fastest Milkman in the West. Sue formally apologies to all of you that didn’t vote for this song.


Thank You from David and Sue

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Thank You from David and Sue

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