Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

20 Feb 2020

REQUEST HOUR: It’s the Lisa & Sue “It’s OK to be Single Songs” Request Hour + Pick that Song #ListenNOW

Comedy, Entertainment, Friday Request Hour, Music

REQUEST HOUR: It’s the Lisa & Sue “It’s OK to be Single Songs” Request Hour + Pick that Song #ListenNOW

It’s the Lisa and Sue “It’s OK to be Single Songs” Request Hour + Pick that Song with Alex. Well it was Valentines day but, of course, Lisa &and Sue rebelled and decided to celebrate Singles Awareness day instead and so did you judging by the number of requests that they received! Make sure you listen closely for Lisa and Sue singing along with Melissa Etheridge and there’s also the Pick That song segment with Alex.  #ListenNow for all the fun and music…

The request hour is on between 6 and 7 pm each Friday so send in your music (or other – use your imagination!) requests when we’re on-air or via our Facebook page before the show and then listen to the frivolity and your songs on Friday nights.

So, get yours ready for this week and why limit your requests to music – David & Sue have lots of talents so why not request that they use them!


Thank You from David and Sue

20 Jun 2020

Thank You from David and Sue

Comedy, Community, Uncategorized

If you're not all that into podcasts, here's a couple of minutes just for you …. David and Sue say THANK ...

David and Sue’s last commute

20 Jun 2020

David and Sue’s last commute

Comedy, Community, crazy mad talking hour

Here it is, the very last Driving You Mad Driving You Crazy Friday Drive with David and Sue. As promised, ...

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

13 Jun 2020

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

Comedy, crazy mad talking hour

Rude gas, tattoos, greeting cards, chim chiminey chim chiminey chimneysweeps, tattoos, art at Manyung Gallery amongst the fun and dangerous ...