Hide and Seek

21 Jun 2018

11. “My Chemical Romance” – Chemsex

Education, Full episodes, Health, Interviews

11. “My Chemical Romance” – Chemsex

If ur looking to party – join our discussion on Chemsex

It’s all about chemsex this week on Hide and Seek! Let’s talk openly about the drugs we use and the sex we have this week on your weekly sex show!

The Sexperts are joined by Owen Hall, one of Harm Reduction Victoria’s Key Peer Educators, in the DanceWize alcohol and drug outreach program.

Ethan, who is currently undertaking a detox process to respond to his problematic drug use talks to us about why he starting using meth, and his views on ceasation and harm reduction programs.

Stu Fenton, Hide and Seek stalwart jumps into the studio to break down some barriers with us around accessing support services, stigma within the drug use community, and why the media portrays an ‘ice epidemic’ that just isn’t so.

What’s The T?

Crystal meth, shard, Tina, ice… It can all get a bit confusing, so Owen breaks down what Chemsex is exactly, and how it reached beyond just the use of meth-amphetamine.

We get stuck into why people choose to inject or smoke meth, and the impacts (positive and negative) that chems have on our body while we take them , and long after.

Don’t forget! Radiothon is still alive and kicking! Hide and Seek (as well as the rest of JOY!) need your help to stay on the air making dirty sexy content each week.Without memberships and donations JOY wouldn’t be able to be your voice, and your radio station. Sign up before June 30 2018 to enter the major prize draw to win a trip to LA! Head to the JOY homepage 


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Of course, no Hide and Seek episode is complete without the DOWN-LOAD… Michael grabbed an interesting porn to review this week. It doesn’t include or make reference to any drug consumptopn, so if you are triggered by that content, don’t worry – the only thing to be seen is a man, a drill, and his beloved pumpkin. Time to get seeded!

You’ll find a link to our weekly porn reviewed in this week’s episode over at our Tumblr page 

Got a porn for us to review? Got a comment on the show? Bring it! let us know viaemail  we’d love your personal stories!


It was a stimulating show show on air, but Owen literally wouldn’t leave the studio so we stuck around to chat a bit more about chemsex! Plus there’s extra interviews with both Ethan and Stu Fenton from Resort 12.

Want more? We bet you do! We want to tackle this subject over a few episodes, so we’ll have more from Stu in the coming weeks to talk about different aspects of chemsex, like sex and intimacy and technologies like gay apps we use to connect.

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We’d love to hear your stories! Email:


Score these great chemsex resources…

VAC’s Re-Wired: Therapeutic groups facilitated by professional counsellors or psychotherapists.

VAC’s Re-Wired 2.0: Peer-led support group for men who have sex with other men who want to change, reduce, control or stop their methamphetamine use.

VAC’s one-on-one counselling services


Touchbase: LGBTI specific alcohol and drug information

Injecting meth? VAC’s safer injecting video 

Down An’ Dirty’s ‘Enhanced Fun’ section, talking about meth and other chems

Harm Reduction Victoria‘s great alcohol and drug resources both online or print at home


Swtichboard: 1800 184 527

Lifeline: 13 11 14


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