Sci-Fi & Squeam

16 Jul 2013

Episode #174: Blood and Bone !

Games & Hobbies, Society & Culture, TV & Film

 giallonotte podcast image

In the studio we have the Cairnes Brothers: Colin and Cam chatting to us about their film 100 Bloody Acres, and how well it is doing overseas and it’s release here for a limited play at Nova cinema in Melbourne. They spoke about the gore, the fun and the music to their film and it’s journey around festivals worldwide!

Bailey is back with the A to Z of Horror !! The letter is I for International Horror films….hmmmm what will be recommended? French Extreme films, foreign Slashers? Listen to find out!

We also had a quickie Women in Sci-fi : The 1950’s with Sonja  !

And we opened up the cellar door to take a peek and chat about newly released spooky film number by Aussie James Wan : The Conjuring !     So how scary is it? Keep your ears attuned to find out !

And Sonja chatted to the Melbourne International Film Festival’s Artistic Director : Michelle Carey about Giallo movies that will be playing in a special segment of films at this years MIFF !!  So just how SPECIAL are these films? Stick around and keep your ears at the ready to find out the answer to this podcast !





…and the power you possess

5 Jun 2017

…and the power you possess

Comics, feminism, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

3 Apr 2017

Final Girl

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All good they say. Sci Fi and Squeam Undead farewells our one and only 'Squeamer' Sonja Hammer. After an ...

It’s Head in a Wall Time

28 Mar 2017

It’s Head in a Wall Time

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Claytox reviews the latest popcorn film offering, Saban's Power Rangers.