The Informer

28 Nov 2017

Black Rainbow Micro Grants, what’s going on in the Senate & advancing equality with Senator Derryn Hinch : 28th November 2017

Government & Organisations, Health, Local, Marriage Equality, Media, Media, National, News & Politics, Non-Profit, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

Black Rainbow Micro Grants, what’s going on in the Senate & advancing equality with Senator Derryn Hinch : 28th November 2017

On this episode of The Informer Dameyon Bonson from Black Rainbow speaks to Ruby and Ian about their new initiative, preventing suicide through a contagion of love, and are this week announcing micro-grants to LGBTI identifying members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people whether i remote, regional or urban settings.

The micro-grants will be to to host a social and and community event and you can find out more about them here.

Because we haven’t enough about Marriage Equality enough, this week the Senate has devoted the entire week to debating the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017, which would allow same-sex couples to marry. Much of last week was also given over to the marriage bill, and Senators won’t be allowed to leave this week until the legislation has passed, but is this conversation helping or causing further harm?

Senator Derryn Hinch from the Justice Party speaks to Ruby about how he became an advocate for Marriage Equality as we ask him to not only reflect on where we have come, but how he thinks the bill will actually go. He has been a firm believer in Parliament getting on and doing its job, so what happens now? Plus he shares what it was like to stand alongside Penny Wong at the emotional moment the YES result was announced.


Ruby & Ian host this episode of The Informer on JOY 94.9


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