The Informer

23 May 2016

Victorian government raises rainbow flag in landmark apology

News & Politics

This week, the rainbow flag will fly for the first time above the Victorian Parliament. Image: Torbakhopper via Flickr

This week, the rainbow flag will fly for the first time above the Victorian Parliament.
Image: Torbakhopper via Flickr

The rainbow flag will fly proudly over the Victorian Parliament for the first time ever on Tuesday, as Premier Daniel Andrews makes an official state apology to those convicted under unjust laws against homosexual acts in Victoria.

Emma speaks with Tom Anderson, who in 1977 was charged with two counts of gross indecency, as well as one count of buggery, after reporting to police that he had been sexually abused by a male employer in their 40s.

As a victim of sexual violence, Tom’s life changed forever at age 14, and although it cannot be undone he feels that the government’s apology is a huge step forward.

“I can finally look back and know that I did nothing wrong,” he says.

Stephanie also checks in with Victorian Minister for Equality Martin Foley to find out why the state government’s apology is important to all Victorians.

“Our equality and gender is multi-faceted and we have so much more to do in removing stigma and discrimination,” Minister Foley says.

And our very own Ben Grubb fills us in on federal Labor’s new LGBTI reform, which debuted at the Rainbow Labor National Day of Action launch over the weekend.


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