Bent Notes

3 Oct 2018

Ben talks the Language of Rhythm!

Arts, Music, Performing Arts

Ben talks the Language of Rhythm!

Drummer Ben Charnley visited the Bent Notes studio to chat with David Moyle about his love of drumming, recording his debut album, and Performing and Workshopping at the Marysville Jazz and Blues Weekend.

Growing up surrounded by music Ben was playing professionally by age 14 and by 18 years of age had seen the inside of all the pubs in his local area as well as some in Melbourne!

Ben moved to America for some time where he recorded his debut album, before he moved back to Australia 2 years ago.

On Sunday October 21 Ben is performing in Quartet mode at the Marysville Jazz and Blues weekend, as well as leading a workshop where we will learn to understand the vocabulary of the Rhythm section.

Checkout Ben’s website for more about Ben, and the Marysville Jazz and Blues weekend website for gig details and tickets.

Ben Charnley was guest of Bent Notes on Sunday September 2, 2018

JOY 94.9 – Out.Loud.Proud – Your Voice – Your Radio Station.

Thanks to our Podcaster: Ilona


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