Everybody Eats

17 May 2024

IDAHOBIT Day – Beyond the Rainbow Cupcake

Fitness & Nutrition, Food, Sexuality, Society & Culture

IDAHOBIT Day – Beyond the Rainbow Cupcake

For IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia) this year, Robbie, Anastasia, and Brett tackle a crucial question: Do workplaces truly understand the significance behind gestures like offering rainbow cupcakes on this important day?

In their discussion, they urge listeners to look beyond superficial gestures and reflect on their own experiences with discrimination and calling out queer-phobic behaviour. They share personal stories and insights on fostering a genuinely inclusive and supportive environment for the LGBTQIA+ community at work.

Robbie recounts a poorly executed diversity initiative in some spaces, emphasising that visible support must be backed by deeper commitments to change, such as training and education. Anastasia discusses her frustration with performative ally-ship and her efforts to advocate for real policies and support systems for LGBTQIA+ employees. Brett highlights the importance of ally-ship and the role of colleagues in creating a supportive atmosphere, stressing that genuine ally-ship involves actively addressing discriminatory practices.

They also added a lighter touch to their discussion by talking about their favourite meals from the week. This casual chat about their culinary experiences offered a nice balance to the heavier topics, showing their personalities and building a sense of camaraderie. It also subtly highlighted the importance of finding joy and connection in everyday moments, reinforcing the idea that fostering an inclusive environment involves both serious commitment and the celebration of shared, lighthearted experiences.

Together, they encourage listeners to critically assess their workplaces, offering practical advice on moving beyond symbolic gestures by implementing comprehensive anti-discrimination policies, providing ongoing education, and creating safe spaces for open dialogue and support. Their goal is to inspire a more profound commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that every action genuinely supports the LGBTQIA+ community.

Plus the gang discuss their favourite pride anthems:
Brett: Cher – Believe
Ana: Diana Ross – I’m Coming Out
Robbie: Bronski Beat – Hit That Perfect Beat


Saucy Spring Tease: Blossoming Flavours and a Dash of Heat

14 Sep 2024

Saucy Spring Tease: Blossoming Flavours and a Dash of Heat

Fitness & Nutrition, Food, Health, Sexuality, Society & Culture

Spring is in the air! Join Robbie, Anna and Brett as they discuss self care routines and uplifting dishes to ...

BBQs, Superfoods and Reducetarianism

27 Aug 2024

BBQs, Superfoods and Reducetarianism

Fitness & Nutrition, Food, Health, Sexuality, Society & Culture

As we look toward some warmer weather, join the Everybody Eats gang as they fire up the grill for a ...

Citrus Season, Guncles Day, and Kitchen Disasters!

16 Aug 2024

Citrus Season, Guncles Day, and Kitchen Disasters!

Fitness & Nutrition, Food, Health, Sexuality, Society & Culture

In this episode, Brett, Ana and Mylo jump into the zesty joys of Citrus Season, sharing tips on how they ...