Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

29 May 2015


Comedy, Community, Music


Remember-JOY-webIt’s Radiothon at JOY!

Keep JOY on air!!

Keep David and Sue: driving you mad, driving you crazy!!!

(Go on, you know you’d miss them.)

It’s time to become a new member, to become part of the JOY family, or to renew your membership. It’s so easy to join or renew online. Do it now while you’re listening to this podcast.

If you can add a donation as well, donations of $2 and over are tax deductible (in Australia!) and you’ll receive a receipt to keep your accountant and the tax man happy.

Colleen Hewett is back again with a couple more tracks from her new CD, Black & White. Plus two lucky members get to talk to Colleen on air.

G,S A, & DWhile you’re flashing the plastic, do yourself a favour and buy your tickets to Who’s on the Menu. After the hugely successful launch, there are two opportunities left to join the fun and feasting, June 1st and June 15th; see you there at the Eureka Hotel!


Thank You from David and Sue

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Thank You from David and Sue

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