Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

2 Apr 2016

Happy 6th Birthday-versary

Arts, Comedy, Community, Music, Science, Sport

Happy 6th Birthday-versary


They partied hard!

They partied hard!

Driving you home, driving you mad, driving you crazyDavid and Sue have been doing it for 6 years. Tonight, they, listeners, supporters and friends celebrate this milestone and look forward to many years to come.
Just how crazy can some people be driven?!

On the phone we have Dolly Diamond, Marcia Hines and, from his dentist’s waiting room no less!!, Todd McKenney. As well as their good wishes to David and Sue, this amazing trio of performers fill us in on what they’re up to.
Leanne Renfree, general manager of Switchboard phones in to reminisce about old times at JOY while John Caldwell, chairman of the Midsumma board, shares more recent memories. And former podcaster Brent calls to say he’s loving his Love in Hobart but missing Friday Drive. Missing you too, Brent!

In the studio we’ve got Jason Tuazon-McCheyne, Abba tragic and, more respectably, Senate candidate for the Australian Equality Party and president of the Purple Bombers.
Melbourne Queer Film Festival Program Manager Spiro Economopoulos, on a high after last night’s festival launch, drops by to chat about some festival stand-outs.

Also in the studio, three JOY favourites …
Ande, Newsreader and Joke-teller, is getting his own show, Black White and Rainbow. Listen out for next week’s launch.
And sadly, saying goodbye to Yes We Are, last show tonight on JOY. But not the last we hear from Lisa and Sammi. Great memories and looking to a bright future for two fab friends of Friday Drive.

Plus, so many wonderful emails and text messages from all of you (from on the high seas, in London, and nearer to home) –
… people who have helped David and Sue
… people who have been helped by David and Sue
… people who have been introduced to JOY by David and Sue and who have gone on to become JOY volunteers, presenters, podcasters, donors, patrons and so much more.

THANK YOU,  Friends for sharing your time with us on your Friday afternoon commute over the last six years. As you have all said “Here’s to the next six (or sixty!!) years!”
Let’s get together next Friday to kick off another year of driving you home, driving you mad, driving you crazy on Friday Drive on JOY94.9


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