Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

11 Jun 2016

Friday Drive Radiothon Champions

Arts, Community, Indigenous

Friday Drive Radiothon Champions

Megan, working not partying at Radiothon launch 2016-06-03

THANK YOU to everyone who joined, re-joined and/or donated during Radiothon, especially our wonderful Friday Drive listeners.

3rd June, the Radiothon launch party was in full swing for Friday Drive’s last hour on air.
Tonight the formal part of Radiothon wraps up. Lots of new and renewed memberships – across all categories, truly representing the community, and allies – and lots of donations.

Degas: A New Vision / at NGV, 24 June > 18 September 2016

Degas: A New Vision / at NGV, 24 June > 18 September 2016

In the studio, Tony Ellwood, Director of the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria), and Tom Mosby, CEO of Koorie Heritage Trust, say a few words about what it means for them to be members and supporters of JOY 94.9 … and manage to get in a few words about their respective organisations too. Not to mention making a generous donation … thank you, Tom and Tony!

Shooting Stars: Gavin Wanganeen’s debut solo exhibition / at Koorie Heritage Trust, 25 May > 19 June

Shooting Stars: Gavin Wanganeen’s debut solo exhibition / at Koorie Heritage Trust, 25 May > 19 June




Remember, if you missed joining/renewing during Radiothon, you have until the end of June to do it and still be in the draw to win the amazing Spark car, donated by Holden.


Thank You from David and Sue

20 Jun 2020

Thank You from David and Sue

Comedy, Community, Uncategorized

If you're not all that into podcasts, here's a couple of minutes just for you …. David and Sue say THANK ...

David and Sue’s last commute

20 Jun 2020

David and Sue’s last commute

Comedy, Community, crazy mad talking hour

Here it is, the very last Driving You Mad Driving You Crazy Friday Drive with David and Sue. As promised, ...

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

13 Jun 2020

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

Comedy, crazy mad talking hour

Rude gas, tattoos, greeting cards, chim chiminey chim chiminey chimneysweeps, tattoos, art at Manyung Gallery amongst the fun and dangerous ...