Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

14 May 2018

REQUEST HOUR: Your Songs with NUMBERS in the Title!

Comedy, Friday Request Hour, Music

REQUEST HOUR: Your Songs with NUMBERS in the Title!

This week it was the David & Sue’s Songs with NUMBERS in the Title Request Hour.  It was David and Sue’s 8th anniversary of being on air. Well so we thought, but really that was back in April but they only just remembered it! So the logic went – 8 years on air, well, why don’t we get songs with numbers in the titles for request hour – made sense to David & Sue at the time! So Listen NOW to get both the musical and numeric centres of YOUR brain working overtime!

This week our David & Sue’s Songs with NUMBERS in the Title Request Hour requests were:

  • Britney Spears with …Baby One More Time
  • Haircut 100  with Love Plus One
  • S Club 7 with Bring It All Back
  • Kylie Minogue with The One
  • Culture Club with Colour by Numbers
  • Nena with 99 Red Balloons
  • The Proclaimers with I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  • Queen with Another One Bites The Dust
  • Prince with 1999
  • The Beatles with Eight Days a Week

The request hour is on between 6 and 7 pm each Friday so send in your music (or other – use your imagination!) requests when we’re on air or via our Facebook page before the show and then listen to the frivolity and your songs on Friday nights.

So, get yours ready for this week and why limit your requests to music – David & Sue have lots of talents so why not request that they use them!


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