Grumpy Gays

2 Sep 2020

Series 2 Episode 7 Part Four: Dear Grumpy Gays, I’m naughty but nice…really

Arts, Comedy, Music, Society & Culture

Series 2 Episode 7 Part Four: Dear Grumpy Gays, I’m naughty but nice…really

We are on a roll Grumpsters, another week, another poor Grumpster in desperate need of our sage advice. Naughty but Nice is having an existential crisis and Helen and Matt are here to help. A break up, sexually transmitted debt and an ex who is a Luddite, oh what have you done Naughty but Nice?


Series 2 – Episode 12 – Part 1

14 Oct 2020

Series 2 – Episode 12 – Part 1

Arts, Comedy, Music, Sexuality, Society & Culture

Apparently, Miss Helen’s favourite store department no longer exists - maybe Google can help her to find it like it’s ...

Series 2 – Episode 12 – Part 2

14 Oct 2020

Series 2 – Episode 12 – Part 2

Arts, Comedy, Performing Arts, Sexuality, Society & Culture

  The world is upside down and even more mad than it was in part one – Helen is wondering where ...

Series 2 – Episode 11 – Part 1

9 Oct 2020

Series 2 – Episode 11 – Part 1

Arts, Comedy, Fashion & Beauty, Music, Sexuality, Visual Arts

‘Ooohhh Matron’ I think a drink is in order before the we start to Fanny about in this week’s Mad ...