Hot Bread

26 Sep 2024

Hot Bread: Compare the Pair Proofing Hour


Hot Bread:  Compare the Pair Proofing Hour

Hot Bread:  Compare the Pair Proofing Hour brings an hour of musical entertainment with a little bit of a difference.  Albeit a bit different, this is a spectacular episode in which to get involved. It seeks the listener’s contribution which makes for an even more fascinating listener experience.

Come along with Hot Bread’s fabulous host, Little Jase, for another Sunday morning adventure through the bakeries of your musical minds. There are many and varied treasures to be found along the way.  Come across some super amazing artists.    Opportunities to have an input in this magical show await you.   Stroll by the many and varied bakeries.  Take in the delightful aromas of freshly baking bread.  Hear familiar music from memory lane.  Hear music from iconic artists including Dolly Parton, Lindy Perry, Cat Stevens, the Carpenters, Cat Stevens, Miley Cyrus, Olivia Newton John and more.  Many songs are positively brilliant covers from  amazing artists include Erik Gronwall, Adrian Winkler, Dan Wesley and Tori Holub,  plus more.

Additionally, on Hot Bread:  Compare the Pair, there could well be some super fantastic surprises.  What does Little Jase have packed into that famous bread basket this gorgeous Sunday morning?  Listen closely.  Odds are there may be some super-charged surprises, which may also be a blast from the recent past.  Who knows?  Without giving away too much, there might be some music from the popular John Farnham.    No, it’s not Sadie, albeit some might well wish it were.  Maybe this number could appear on a future Hot Bread episode.  Great incentive for those who enjoy Sadie to stay tuned?

Although this podcast is not live to air, it is still captivating when it comes to the listener’s own judgement.  So, tune into Compare the Pair on JOY Media Podcasts, Hot Bread. ( bread)  You be the judge.



Don’t forget to tune into JOY 94.9 next Sunday between 9 and 11am for another exciting episode of Hot Bread

JOY 94.9 – Out.Loud.Proud – Your Voice – Your Radio Station

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Hot Bread:  Compare the Pair Proofing Hour

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