JOY Breakfast

15 May 2023

Ricki Spencer – Wll the budget rent assistance really help?

Society & Culture

Ricki Spencer – Wll the budget rent assistance really help?

It was announced in the federal budget that Government payments including jobseeker and youth allowance will rise by $40 a fortnight, while pensioners and concession card holders will get hundreds of dollars in energy bill relief and rent assistance, but how much is that really going to help?

Ricki Spencer, who is on the disability support pension and receives commonwealth rent assistance, and spends about 50% of her income on rent joined Rach & Dean on JOY Breakfast to talk about their experience and where we need to be paying more attention.

You can find out more about HAAG, who are working with older people to achieve houseing justice and social change here.


JOY Breakfast Interview with Jessica Mauboy

15 Jul 2024

JOY Breakfast Interview with Jessica Mauboy


Joss and Wayne talk inspiration, Paris Olympics and NAIDOC week connection with Jessica Mauboy.

Luke and Rach ask the big questions

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Luke and Rach ask the big questions

Society & Culture

Luke and Rach are back on breakfast after a four year break! You already probably know Rach from her stint ...

Intrusive Thoughts

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Intrusive Thoughts

Society & Culture

Ever have those thoughts of should I shouldn't I ... what am I doing.... this should be done... Damo shares ...