JOY Breakfast

27 Aug 2024

Building Bridges: Victoria Police’s Commitment to the LGBTIQ+ Community

Society & Culture

In this episode, we speak with Jeremy Oliver, the LGBTIQ+ Community Portfolio Manager for Victoria Police, as our guest. Jeremy shares his insights on the important work Victoria Police is doing to support and uplift the LGBTIQ+ community. Our conversation touches on both historical milestones and current initiatives, highlighting the organization’s ongoing efforts to build stronger, more inclusive relationships.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Wear it Purple Day:
    • Jeremy begins by explaining the significance of Wear it Purple Day, a day dedicated to fostering supportive, safe, and inclusive environments for young people in the LGBTIQ+ community. He emphasizes why this day is so important and how it helps raise awareness. Furthermore, Jeremy discusses how Victoria Police is participating in this year’s event, reflecting their commitment to the cause. The broader message they hope to convey is one of solidarity and support for LGBTIQ+ youth, which is essential in today’s society.
  2. LLO Program Review and Uplift:
    • Over the past year, Victoria Police has been working hard to enhance the LLO (LGBTIQ+ Liaison Officer) Program. Jeremy shares that more than a dozen new initiatives have been introduced, each aimed at building stronger, more meaningful relationships with LGBTIQA+ communities. These initiatives are designed to ensure that the LLO Program continues to meet the evolving needs of the community. Jeremy provides examples of these changes and discusses the positive impact they have already had, demonstrating Victoria Police’s commitment to continuous improvement.
  3. Tasty Nightclub 30th Anniversary:
    • We also take a moment to reflect on the 30th anniversary of the Tasty Nightclub raid, an event that marked a significant turning point in the relationship between Victoria Police and the LGBTIQ+ community. Jeremy discusses how this event served as a catalyst for change within the organization. He highlights the key milestones that have been achieved since then, showcasing the progress made in improving these relationships. This reflection on the past serves as a reminder of how far we’ve come, but also how much further we still need to go.

This interview with Jeremy Oliver provides a comprehensive overview of Victoria Police’s efforts to support the LGBTIQ+ community. It offers valuable insights into the ongoing journey towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. Whether you’re part of the LGBTIQ+ community or an ally, this episode is a must-listen. It underscores the importance of continued dialogue, reflection, and action in the pursuit of equality and inclusion.


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Building Bridges: Victoria Police’s Commitment to the LGBTIQ+ Community

27 Aug 2024

Building Bridges: Victoria Police’s Commitment to the LGBTIQ+ Community

Society & Culture

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