JOY Eurovision

23 May 2015

Semi Final 2: What to watch

Music, News

Semi Final 2: What to watch

Australia! What a great turn out for Semi Final 1. But it is nearly time for Semi Final 2. These guys are in their bunker and ready to vote for their favourites.

Image credit: SBS Australia

Image credit: SBS Australia

Here’s what you need to know, so you can choose yours at 7:30pm AEST on Saturday on SBS ONE.

And yes, they’re still trying to kill all the contestants in the postcards.


Watch for: The kiss.

Wonder about: Just how happy the two of them really are.


Watch for: Some very solid staging for a well-performed song.

Wonder about: Who will actually vote for this one.

San Marino

Watch for: Two ex-Junior Euro contestants trying… trying so hard to be cool. And some European talked rap from Anita.

Wonder about: How long it takes Michele to do his hair.


Watch for: A bunch of dancing corkscrews.

Wonder about: How often Knez practiced his little ‘ta-dah’ at the end.


Watch for: A light show fit for a (drag) queen (in a nightclub show).

Wonder about: How long Amber will continue to find glitter in her nooks and crannies.


Watch for: Simple staging for a powerfully emotive ballad

Wonder about: How much sunscreen Debrah uses to keep her midrift from burning under the stage lights.


Watch for: Someone channelling Loreen, but while wearing shoes.

Wonder about: The song’s chances.

Czech Republic

Watch for: The toss!

Wonder about: What Vaclav would look like in a pair of chaps.


Watch for: The footwear. How he got it through security is remarkable.

Wonder about: Where Nadav would actually take you in Tel Aviv.


Watch for: Some jarring, yet effective, lighting, camera work and staging.

Wonder about: How heavy that dress is.


Watch for: Very limber human wolves.

Wonder about: How limber they could be in other situations.


Watch for: The cheeky glittery inclusion.

Wonder about: How the wind machine doesn’t blow Europe’s pixie off the stage.


Watch for: The fat cartoon.

Wonder about: How difficult it could have been to come up with something new.


Watch for: More wind than Kansas.

Wonder about: How you’re going to get up from off the floor, surrounded by shot glasses.


Watch for: Nana’s glasses making a return to the Eurovision stage.

Wonder about: The lighting.


Watch for: Headphones that Kitty Glitter would do anything to get her hands on.

Wonder about: How much study air violinists do.


Watch for: Some intimate staging.

Wonder about: Who left the window open. Brrr. It’s chilly.


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