On the Line

1 Nov 2013

On The Line – 31 October 2013

News & Politics, Society & Culture

Current Queer Affairs – News and Views you need to know.AIDS_Red_Ribbon_image

The Victorian AIDS Council maybe heading towards crisis.   Last week its Executive Officer Matt Dixon resigned and left the same day, just two years into his job.  The official line is that he left for personal reasons, but as Dean Beck reveals ‘On The Line’, the staff morale is at an all-time-low and the organisation’s performance has been poor at best.  In July 2014 the world’s largest medical and research conference comes to Melbourne for AIDS2014.  It’s a time for Melbourne and Australia to shine bright but it is going to take a miracle to get the VAC up-to-scratch if they are to be showcased to the world.

(READ: VAC denies controversy over CEO’s immediate departure)

Australia’s new HIV diagnosis figures are up 10% on the year before and at a level not seen for 20years.  Associate Professor Edwina Wright from Monash University, Burnet Institute and Monash University discusses these disturbing figures and previews her 2014 research project involving PrEP.

Doug Pollard joins us to announce the appointment of former High Court Judge Michael Kirby as patron of the Australian chapter of UK based Kaleidoscope Trust.

And the Star Observer has NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell on the front cover saying “No” to marriage equality.  Guest  Editor of the newspaper Miles Heffernan joins us with the story and what else is featured in tomorrow’s edition.


Star Observer Weekly News Wrap

18 Feb 2016

Star Observer Weekly News Wrap

News & Politics

With the latest edition of Star Observer out today, Melbourne based journo Matthew Wade joins Dean with the latest. Online group ...

Exploring Sustainable Living with Festival Director Luke Taylor

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Exploring Sustainable Living with Festival Director Luke Taylor

Society & Culture

[caption id="attachment_1472" align="alignright" width="214"] This is not Luke Taylor!![/caption] Attracting over 150,000 visits annually The Sustainable Living Festival engages with hundreds ...

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus Appalled by ACL

18 Feb 2016

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus Appalled by ACL

News & Politics

EXCLUSIVE: The Deputy Manager of Opposition Business and Shadow Attorney-General the Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC, MP joins Dean to express his ...