This is OWL Lives

15 Nov 2017

Ageing Bodies … Wonderland or Secondhand?

Comedy, LGBTI, Personal Journals, Podcasting, Sexuality

The OWLS discuss their mortality and the pros and cons of getting older.  Anyway who ever said growing older gracefully is lying! It’s a myth so women who are over 40 don’t stress about the things to come.  That dirty word … Menopause!

Lisa and Sue talk about hot flushes and hot sports cars.  Do women go through a midlife crisis … of course they do and why shouldn’t we.  Sue gives us some tips of how to traverse a midlife crisis.

Of course in true OWLS fashion there are amusing stories from Lisa and Sue going about their usual daily life.

Also, don’t forget if you would like Lisa and Sue cover a topic, why don’t you get in touch with us on we would love to hear from you.  Also why don’t you subscribe via I-Tunes, give us a rating (which will bump up our podcast in the I-Tunes store).

This weeks tunes:

“Thinking Out Loud”  by Ed Sheehan – From X (2o14)

“Least Complicated” by Indigo Girls – From Swamp Ophelia (1994)


Lesbian Lockdown – Part 2 – Lone Lisa

9 Jun 2020

Lesbian Lockdown – Part 2 – Lone Lisa

LESBIAN, LGBTI, Personal Journals, Podcasting, Sexuality

The lesbians are still in lockdown and haven't seen each other in person due to social isolation rules. Here is ...

Lesbian Lockdown – Part 1 – Solo Sue

14 Apr 2020

Lesbian Lockdown – Part 1 – Solo Sue

LESBIAN, LGBTI, Personal Journals, Podcasting, Sexuality

The lesbians are in lockdown and strictly adhering to social isolation rules and the OWLS haven't seen each other for ...

COVID-19 Cacophony

23 Mar 2020

COVID-19 Cacophony

Comedy, LESBIAN, LGBTI, Personal Journals, Places & Travel, Podcasting

In preparation of a potential lockdown in Melbourne, Australia and with JOY 94.9 only allowing minimal staff and volunteers in at ...