This is OWL Lives

21 Mar 2018

Rule Maker or Rule Breaker

Comedy, LESBIAN, LGBTI, Personal Journals, Podcasting, Sexuality

Are you a rule maker or a rule breaker?  Lisa and Sue ponder which side of the fence they fall on.

Interestingly, when we are inundated with rules, legislation and good old fashion expectations but I always have a slight compulsion to break them or at least question their validity.  I put it down to the need to rebel occasionally and not just accept everything on face value.

Rules, rules, rules, there are thousands that we must abide by over the course of our lifetime and it starts when we are toddlers, through to our teenage years and then on to adulthood.

  • Don’t eat in your room
  • No jumping on the bed
  • Don’t talk in class
  • Don’t drink before you’re 18
  • Don’t leave your clothes on the floor
  • Don’t speed
  • Don’t litter
  • No parking
  • No loitering
  • No jaywalking

We break the rules because we can,  because it satisfies the ego and breaking even the smallest, insignificant rule can be exciting.  We don’t even think of the potential consequences of breaking these rules at the time.

Rule makers are also important and I quite comfortably fall in to this category also.  I have a innate sense of what is right and am very particular in the way I like certain things done and I am not adverse to setting a few rules myself … oh the conundrum.

And of course Sue and I share our “rule breaking” stories in true OWLS fashion.

If you would like to get in touch with us on we would love to hear from you and why don’t you subscribe to the podcast via i-tunes and give us a rating.

This weeks tunes:

“Viva la Vida” by Coldplay from Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008)

“Breaking The Rules” by Jack Savoretti from Before The Storm (2012)


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