• NSW: Transgender man refused service at Woolworths in Wollongong
  • AUS: Liberal MP Craig Laundy backflips on conscience vote support
  • AUS: Julia Gillard says gay marriage just a matter of time in Australia
  • VIC: Napthine Government introduces legislation to expunge gay sex convictions
  • AUS: STI stats on the rise linked to gay men’s drug use
  • USA: Philadelphia gay bashing
  • ISR: Tel Aviv gay party promotions evoke ISIS propaganda
  • SPO: Louisiana fraternity apologises over Michael Sam banner
  • SPO: Adidas signs Tom Daley
  • SPO: AFL drops sponsorship deal with Brunei Airlines
  • RU: TATU band member unleashes homophobic diatribe

Hosted by Jacob Holman, Matt Thomson & Tanya Lewis

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