Science Queeries

14 Sep 2024

Planting some vine ideas

Food, Health, Medicine

Planting some vine ideas

Dr Cat has an out-of-this-world conversation with Lee Conneely from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space. Lee studies how we can insert the genetic instructions for plant-based medicines into other plants so that they can grow the medicines for us. Can we grow tomatoes in space for astronauts to eat the tomatoes and harvest medicine from the leaves? Can we use industrial hemp to produce big yields of different medicines? The idea seems light years ahead or like science fiction, but it is a reality…and a pretty vine idea.


Voltaic you there

26 Sep 2024

Voltaic you there

Architecture, Engineering, Environment, Science & Medicine, Sustainability, Technology

Dr Cat and Dr Mohammad Taha conduct a conversation about different materials for more sustainable buildings. Did you know that ...

Star-tling discoveries with univers-al appeal.

21 Sep 2024

Star-tling discoveries with univers-al appeal.

Astronomy, Cosmology, Science & Medicine

Dr Cat chats to a bright, stellar astronomer, A/Prof Deanne Fisher. We are all made of stardust. Based at Swinburne ...

Planting some vine ideas

14 Sep 2024

Planting some vine ideas

Food, Health, Medicine

Dr Cat has an out-of-this-world conversation with Lee Conneely from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space. Lee ...