Sci-Fi & Squeam

10 Jan 2013

Episode # 147 : Splendid Who ??

TV & Film

The Dr Who celebrations for his 50th year of existence ( as we know ‘him’)….. has BEGUN!!

1963-1953: Dr Who 50 years young.

We welcomed into the studio once more John Richards from Outland and Box Cutters Podcast and his co-hort Ben Mc Kenzie from Dungeon Crawl, and ‘patron saint of geek comedy’, as they inform us and entertain us about the true meaning of the Time Lord and his adventures, and Who of the Who’s was/is their most favourite of the re-generated Ones ! They also let us know what they intend to do about it all, so they have committed themselves to reaching all across the galaxies a PODCAST like no other PODCAST : Splendid Chaps: A Year Of Dr Who… a podcast where all matters to do with this wibbley wobblie time bender are Splendidly discussed every week ! And chatted about the upcoming launch for Splendid Chaps in Melbourne too…

Also Sonja the Squeam spoke about an intriguing movie out now: Berberian Sound Studio by director Peter Strickland starring Toby Jones..a story set in the 1970’s of a Foley Sound Artist who is tormented by Italian’s fascinating, raw and NOISEY !! With a great soundtrack by electronica pioneers and experimentalists: Broadcast.
Playing ONLY at ACMI.

We also had a audio interview with Scott Mannion writer and director of an Aussie 1st: Sci-fi short film called Anima !

So take a listen….put that sonic screwdriver away and ENJOY all you Time Travellers….. to this Podcast !

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