Sci-Fi & Squeam

18 Aug 2013

Hollywood Cos Close-up

Music, Society & Culture, TV & Film




morocco tux marlene dietrich image for podcast


In the studio a few months ago we spoke to Russell Briggs one of the specialised people who managed to help bring Hollywood Costume here in Batmania/Melbourne that ran from April to August 2013.

It may be over…but for us it never is cos Hollywood Cos is the definitive way of understanding and symbolising the stories of Hollywood, sometimes coded ( due to sexuality and censorship), sometimes open and most of the times just beautifully extravagant !

From the ACMI website:

‘The greatest movie characters of all time.

Direct from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Hollywood Costume explores the central role costume design plays in cinema storytelling. Bringing together the most iconic costumes from a century of filmmaking, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the clothes worn by unforgettable and beloved characters in films from The Wizard of Oz(1939) to Titanic (1997), Ben-Hur (1959) to Casino Royale (2006).

This groundbreaking exhibition unites classics from the Golden Age of cinema, including Scarlett O’Hara’s green ‘curtain’ dress designed by Walter Plunkett for Gone with the Wind(1939) and the ‘little black dress’ designed by Hubert De Givenchy for Holly Golightly inBreakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) with costumes from the latest Hollywood releases including Consolata Boyle’s outfits for Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady (2011) and Lindy Hemming’s high-tech Batman suit for Christian Bale in The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

Hollywood Costume illuminates the costume designer’s creative process from script to screen and reveals the collaborative dialogue that leads to the development of authentic screen characters.

Hollywood Costume is curated by eminent Hollywood costume designer Deborah Nadoolman Landis with Sir Christopher Frayling and Keith Lodwick.’









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