Sci-Fi & Squeam

27 Nov 2013

AIRLOCK : Aussie Sci-Fi TV…Keep The Lights On!

TV & Film


airlock podcast image

‘A derelict spacecraft docks with a remote space station. An investigation into the deaths on board leads to a terrifying revelation.’…..


The Squeamer speaks to one of the creators of a new television phenomena that is coming in 2014…..AIRLOCK!

His name is Julian Harvey and he talks about the new project that he and his fellow Distracted Media brother in arms: Enzo Tedeschi, and what work lays ahead !   Airlock will be the very 1st Australian Science fiction TV series, made in Oz by Aussies for online access….

BIO   Julian Harvey:

Julian Harvey worked as a writer and senior producer on the documentary series AFP with Zapruder’s other films. He has also journeyed to the Antarctic to produce and direct the documentary, The Distant Peak; was in the thick of the action with Channel Nine’s Fire 000; and climbed Kilimanjaro with a TV crew for Australian Story. Julian’s editing career has seen him cut a wide range of television series, documentaries, music videos and ads, including overseeing the post-production path on big-budget specials for Channel Nine’s Logie-nominated travel series Getaway. In 2012, Julian was awarded an ASE Award for his editing work on Event Zero.

You probably remember Julian and Enzo from other genre projects for television and film, Event Zero and of course the horror gem original: The Tunnel!

Crowd funding veterans and masters of genre they bring their dreams and aspirations and unique vision to the audience through online communities, and they have to date had amazing and well deserved success.

So what are their influences and inspirations? from nitty gritty Alien to the suspenseful The Shining, to classic Horror/Sci-fi  The Thing,and admirers of James Wan and Julian’s favourite of Wan’s the recent The Conjuring…

Insightful and Inspiring take a listen to this podcasted interview with film and TV series maker Julian Harvey….enjoy!


And support this creation HERE !


The Tunnel :


INTERVIEW with Enzo Tedeschi 2012 


airlock spaceman


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