Sci-Fi & Squeam

9 Jan 2014

DylStick and Defiant Development in Games !

Games & Hobbies


defiant dylstick


Games..Games..Games…!   DylStick returns with an awesome interview with Defiant Development’s: founder Morgan Jaffit about the future of Independent Video Games in Australia and how they are going to make their mark on the Next Gen Consoles!

Dyl Adler AKA DylStick chats on the line to Morgan about his games company and how the industry is changing in Australia.

Description: ‘Defiant Development is a Brisbane based creator of games for mobile, augmented reality, and console platforms.’

‘Defiant have worked with companies like Qualcomm, Dallas Mavericks, Ogmento, State Library of Queensland and more in order to make their vision into a reality.’ This EQUALS a very big: AWESOME for these Aussie game developers and we wish them massive success!

It certainly is the future looking bright in the North with all this games creativity!

Here is Defiant Development’s WEBSITE !

And HERE is their FACEBOOK page!


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