Sci-Fi & Squeam

2 Mar 2014

Woman in Horror: Briony Kidd

Society & Culture, TV & Film


briony for long podcast image 1

Stranger with My Face’s  Briony Kidd spoke to The Squeamer in the studio in Melbourne during the last weekend of Women In Horror Recognition Month February 2014…

Briony Kidd is not just a film maker, screen writer, essayist, film reviewer  but also an organiser of an Australian 1st a Horror Film Festival based in Tasmania that supports and plays female made and female driven film creations in the genre of Horror and Thriller….and more….so what exactly is Stranger With My Face ?

Listen to this podcast to find out..and to find out all the events and goings on that include:

a Canadian Film Maker Showcase! A young persons book called  Kid Power! ( a collaboration with Kier- La Janisse ),

A 10×10 Script Challenge!  A 48 hour film makers challenge too!  A Film Anthology by Australian Horror film Makers who are WOMEN!! and much, much more…there is a lot happening in the realm of Horror for 2014..and it seems all roads lead to  fantastic Tasmania!


Stranger With My Face Horror Film Festival in Tasmania 

Women In Horror Recognition Month


The House of Psychotic Women Book by Kier-La Janisse

Stranger with My Face on Facebook

A Beloved Anthology: Trilogy of Terror :


The Babadook trailer, film by Jennifer Kent :



women in horror make movies too podcast

ABOVE  Left to Right:  Donna McRae,  Rebecca Thomson,  BRIONY KIDD,  Isabel Peppard.  These are Women who make Horror Films In Australia, and they are working on a Horror Film Anthology so STAY POSTED !


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