Sci-Fi & Squeam

29 Aug 2014

Between The Pages: Women and Comics

Games & Hobbies, Society & Culture

All Star Comics Womens Comics Club 2

Above All Star Women In Comics Club TOP Left ,  Right Cazz and Fur Friends reads comics! 

Episode # 34 In the studio at JOY 949. Tuesday the 26th of August 2014 in the studio with Sonja The Squeamer is Cazz AKA Nerd Burger !

What is Nerd Burger? ‘is my place to share my knowledge of comic books, peeks from my daily life, my personal style, DIY projects and things I love. Comic book reading, crafting, cat loving nerd.’  That is who Cazz is..and we were lucky enough to have her in the studio talking about comics, women in comics, Geekie stuff and something called:

All Star Women’s Comic Book Club We are a group of women who love comic books. Come join us fortnightly/monthly to chat comics and make new friends.’

‘All Star Women’s Comic Book Club has it’s first meet up Saturday the 30th of August at 1000 Pound Bend 


This club is all about sharing your love and excitement of comic books with other women. That means if you want to chat about the characters you think are the coolest, an in-depth discussion about feminism or just hanging out and reading, this club is for you. 
The All Star Women’s Comic Club is open to all levels of women readers! From those who have never read a comic, through to those who can name all 3600 sectors in the Green Lantern universe.

We are excited to announce the first ever All Star Women’s Comic Book Club meet up!
Date: Saturday 30th August
Time: 3pm – 5:30pm
Place: 1000 Pound Bend Café (Back room) 361 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne
Cost: FREE!’

So what does Cazz  recommend we read in the Comicsverse?  What about Queers in comics?  Find out in this PODCAST!!

Ms Marvel !    ‘It’s imperative that we support this story so that it sets a precedent for Marvel to start telling stories about a wider variety of people and inject some freshness back into superhero comics.’

ms marvelUntitled-111

The Squeamer also did a look see into this years Emmy awards and Fare welled True Blood…but more of that Next Week when the ladies of TV return with Lady Killers On TV 

All Star Comics here

Image Comics 

Nerd Burger

Marvel and Ms Marvel 

Below, Nerd Burger World !



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