Sci-Fi & Squeam

7 Aug 2014

Over The Top: Mark Hartley and Electric Boogaloo!

Society & Culture, TV & Film

Sonja The Squeamer talks to director Mark Hartley about his documentary Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films. 

Mark Hartley Full Podcast 2014 image 1

Described as: ‘A documentary about Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus – two movie-obsessed cousins whose passion for cinema changed the way movies were made and marketed – and the tale of how this passion ultimately led to the demise of the company they built together.’

So they discuss those obvious cult film classics made ( or not) by Cannon Films the game changers in Hollywood in the 1980’s with mindblowing classics like Lifeforce and the American Ninja franchise, to Missing in Action, Delta Force and the Deathwish films…   ‘From 1979 to 1989 Golan and Globus ‘flushed’ out more than 120 films featuring ninjas, nudity, wooden action heroes, threadbare plots, unintentional humour and accidental moments of genius. When Menahem insisted on getting ‘that Stone woman’ for a shameless re-tread of Indiana Jones, instead of Romancing The Stone’s hot property Kathleen Turner, he inadvertently launched the career of Sharon Stone. ‘


‘…not just a hilarious tale of scattergun movie making……This is a one-of-a-kind story about two-of-a-kind men who (for better or worse) changed film forever. ‘ 

Cannon Group Films 

Melbourne International Film Festival 2014 see MOVIE here



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