Sci-Fi & Squeam

5 Nov 2014

Beyond The Graveyard of Depravity with Ad-Lib to Fade and Cherry Bites!

Society & Culture, TV & Film

Episode # 42  …..In the studio as we drew nearer to Halloween.. The Squeamer was joined inside the living horror with Greg Hughes from

Ad-Lib to Fade on JOY 949 and the welcome return of the Queen of the Crypt herself the gore delight that is Cherry Bites!

cherry bites queen of the crypt

What creepy films to recommend? what music to sear the aural senses?   ahhh yes, the Graveyard is the place to visit and sojourn on any Halloween Eve as we find out in the live show Oct 28th !

Also chatting with Cherry Bites about what is happening to the Monster Films from the Universal world...? and she and The Squeamer talk all things Monster Fest 2014 too !


We also played as segment of an interview with the super creepy and talented Roger Jackson THE voice from the Scream films! and Greg introduces us all to the marvelous and terrible: The Shaggs!

the shaggs



…and the power you possess

5 Jun 2017

…and the power you possess

Comics, feminism, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

3 Apr 2017

Final Girl

Comics, cult, feminism, Geek, Horror Films, Melbourne Queer Comic Club, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

All good they say. Sci Fi and Squeam Undead farewells our one and only 'Squeamer' Sonja Hammer. After an ...

It’s Head in a Wall Time

28 Mar 2017

It’s Head in a Wall Time

cult, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film, Uncategorized

Claytox reviews the latest popcorn film offering, Saban's Power Rangers.