Sci-Fi & Squeam

8 Nov 2014

The Armageddon Files Interviews # 5: Judson Scott

TV & Film

Armageddon Expo Melbourne 2014 and  The Squeamer met and talked to Sci-Fi TV and Star Trek icon Judson Scott !

Judson talks openly about being in THAT movie and NOT being credited for his role :’ In the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Scott played Joachim, chief henchman and son of Khan Noonien Singh. Despite having many lines of dialogue, Scott’s name does not appear in the credits. According to TV Guide, Scott’s agent was in negotiations with Paramount to get his name high billing in the movie, but the tactic backfired and somehow Scott wound up with no credit at all. He played opposite Ricardo Montalban, which resulted in a friendship that lasted until Montalban’s death in January 2009. When Montalban received a lifetime achievement award in 2003, Scott was the presenter.’

kahn and judson scott for podcast 1

So hear about his TV series The Phoenix and The Powers of Mathew Star…and more  !

phoenixad judson for podcast 2

Judson on his Trekkie roles !


…and the power you possess

5 Jun 2017

…and the power you possess

Comics, feminism, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

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Final Girl

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All good they say. Sci Fi and Squeam Undead farewells our one and only 'Squeamer' Sonja Hammer. After an ...

It’s Head in a Wall Time

28 Mar 2017

It’s Head in a Wall Time

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Claytox reviews the latest popcorn film offering, Saban's Power Rangers.