Sci-Fi & Squeam

12 Dec 2014

# 5 and we are ALIVE! Sci-Fi & Squeam turns 5 years old.

Games & Hobbies, Society & Culture, TV & Film

Episode # 248 , Podcast 467 : In the studio with The Squeamer and the cohorts and comrades and fellow earthlings DylStick AKA Dyl Adler and the A to Z’s Bailey O’Neil and Behind The Masks Andy Hawken joined inside The Mothership along with Lady Killers On TV’s Tina Rodi special guest Jimmy Twin to celebrate FIVE YEARS of Sci-Fi and Squeam from it’s humble origins to it’s still humble ways and it’s offspring: Queer Geeks of Oz and Geek Girl Speak! 


So we chatted about the past and the future and what 5 years is like on air!

Jimmy Twin talks about his event adventure with Cartooning with PRIDE that is being held as part of this Summers Midsumma program…what is it all about? LISTEN to this Podcast to find out!

‘Join us for a fun and informative evening at DTs Pub as we talk comic books, how they have influenced our lives, and how you can become involved in this growing industry. We have a panel of special local, interstate and international guests’ (including The Squeamer !)


Loads of Squeamie THANKS  go to Ross Bryant, Sebastian Mittelman,Vasco Myers,Mitch Todd,Queer Geeks of Oz, Jimmy Twin, Betty Sujecki,Robert Brierley,Emily Dwyer,Josh Pearson,Andy Hawken,Bailey O’Neill,Tina Rodi and Andy Hawken and Cherry bites, March Huntington and Artboy Gallery,Leenie Fabri and JOY 949 and Simon Edwards for the StormTrooper cake!  xxx

and of course thanks goes to YOU the listener !! xx We LOVES YA! 

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5th Birthday 10x0_8145179



…and the power you possess

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…and the power you possess

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What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

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