Sunday Arts Magazine

6 Sep 2015

Dad’s Day, UNCLE, Southpaw, Gayby, Josh Glanc, Jessica Wilkinson

Arts, Comedy, Kids & Family, Literature, TV & Film

Our host today is DANIEL, sitting in for David and Brendan. He wishes every father a Happy Father’s Day and has music to mark the occasion.

Daniel starts off with an ode to Brendan and does some film reviews :
Firstly–The Man From U.N.C.L.E.— directed by Guy Ritchie– is set in the early 60s with a CIA agent and a KGB operative working together against a mysterious criminal organisation. The attractive cast, the art direction and costumes make the film look good but there is nothing new here; nor much plot or backstory. 2.5 out of 5
Next is Southpaw starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a boxer who loses everything when his wife dies after a tragic accident. He turns to a trainer to try to get his life back on track. This has been done before and has many plot holes and no redeeming features. 2 out of 5
Last and best is Maya Newells’s doco Gayby Baby which follows the lives of 4 kids whose parents happen to be gay. It is a living moving portrait which is refreshing and honest, and asks us to consider what a family is. It also shows anti-gay & antiquated attitudes which still exist in the community. Daniel also talks about the ban on showing the film during class times at NSW schools. It’s an important doco which everyone should see. 4 out of 5

Daniel’s guests today are:

Josh Glanc is an up and coming sketch and comedy performer who has a show at the Fringe Festival called 99 Schnizels (Veal Ain’t One) 16th to 27th September at Tuxedo Cat – The Atrium in La Trobe St. He plays many different characters including a South American popstar and a creeeeepy lollypop man. Josh is a lawyer who got into comedy via Bottled Snails, an organisation he and other lawyers started to raise awareness about mental health in the legal profession and to provide a creative forum for lawyers. This creative pod put on many productions and Josh eventually broke out on his own.

Jessica Wilkinson is founder and editor of a Quarterly non-fiction poetry journal called RABBIT. She has had her poetry published in various publications around the world and has written 2 books (available via Vagabond Press website)–poetic biographies on Percy Grainger and Marion Davies using non-fiction poetry. Jessica describes non-fiction poetry as what poetry can offer to writing bios, history, geography, places, the self. Poetry can offer line breaks, playfulness, musicality and mash-ups and create an experience for the reader.
Jessica started the journal to explore non-fiction poetic forms and sees it as an invitation to other poets to engage and experiment with those ideas in exploring real world people and scenarios. Poets can submit work for the journal and readers can subscribe via her website. On top of the journal, subscribers can now get small free books dedicated to emerging poets showcasing a collection of their work.


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