Sunday Arts Magazine

16 Apr 2017

Films, Fortune Feimster, Jimeoin, Fiona from TOR, Top Arts 2017

Arts, Comedy, LGBTIQ, Music, Performing Arts, Photography, TV & Film, Visual Arts, Youth Arts

Films, Fortune Feimster, Jimeoin, Fiona from TOR, Top Arts 2017

Joining David, Brendan and Neil this week is Fiona, who finished the Taste of Radio (TOR) course and will be doing a segment once a month. The first one is coming up soon. Brendan reviews 2 films starting with Colossal starring Anne Hathaway and involving a giant monster which may or may not be connected to her somehow–3 stars. Next is Denial, an important film starring Rachel Weisz and based on a true story– about a writer being sued by a Holocaust-denier, who has to prove it actually happened–3.5 stars.  Later Brendan reviews The Fate of the Furious. Dumb and boring–2 stars.

There are 3 interviews this week and a chat with Fiona.  Our interviewees  talk about their own journey to where they are now as well as a current event, show or exhibition. Along with inside stories, interesting anecdotes and descriptions.

Special guests this week include:

14:12 to 33:53 mins–American Comedian Fortune Feimster is here to entertain us and to talk about a show she’s in called Headliners on at the Melbourne Town Hall until 22 April.  It’s part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF).  Like many US comedians, Fortune started her career at The Groundlings Sketch and Improv School in LA. She is from the south of the USA and has a ‘colourful family’ so a lot of her stand-up and characters are inspired from that. In the USA she has toured with stand-up and has also been in TV shows including Chelsea Lately, Glee, The Mindy Project and Life in Pieces. Fortune talks about the importance of writing your own material and creating parts for yourself if you want a long career as a comedian. She has also written for others comedians and a couple of TV comedy pilots and has also sold a script to Dreamworks!  Fortune doesn’t take out any gay references, in her stand-up, for more conservative audiences in the USA.  She feels her comedy bridges a gap between her and conservatives. Fortune is loving going to shows at MICF especially the gay ones.  Headliners has 4 American stand-up comedians, each on for 20 minutes.

34:35 to 1:01:34 mins–Well-known Comedian Jimeoin is also here to entertain us and is also in the MICF in a show called Renonsense Man (IRL) on until 23 April at ACMI. He starts off with anecdotes about the famous Live Aid concert he attended in 1985. Jimeoin was a construction worker in the UK and continued that when he moved to Australia until his name was put down, by an acquaintance, on a list of stand-up comedians at a gig. He’d never seen or done stand-up but he did well. He tells us what inspires his comedy writing; often his own misfortunes or mistakes are a starting point. Also everyday things like the ridiculous contents of the ‘third drawer’ in the kitchen. He then talks about a successful comic film he wrote and starred in–The Craic (1999)–about 2 illegal immigrants in Australia. He used some of his own experience as an immigrant. He did another film but found the experience laborious.  Jimeoin much prefers stand-up, which he has taken on tour overseas many times especially England and Edinburgh where there is a big culture of stand-up. His Renonsense Man is a man that can do nothing as compared to The Renaissance Man (da Vinci) who can do everything. Jimeoin is also one of the comedians for a one night charity event called Music, Mirth & Mayhem on 19 April for the Mirabel Foundation. He talks more about his process of creating a show.

01:01:48 to 1:07:51 mins–Our hosts talks to Taste Of Radio graduate Fiona about a monthly segment she will be doing on Sunday Arts Magazine which involves her asking a guest what are the five things inspiring them at this very moment. i.e. inspiring a current project they’re working on. E.g.It could be music they’re listening to, a recent production they’ve seen, or an artist they’re inspired by. Fiona is particularly interested in artists talking about other artists’ work and how they get inspired by it.  This can lead listeners to learn about a new performer they haven’t heard about and possibly purchase their album or work. It spreads the word about new and interesting things that we may not have access to from normal channels. Her first guest will be Jack Ferber–a writer, performer and contemporary dancer. He will be performing at the Temperance Hall (run by Phillip Adams) in South Melbourne in early May and Fiona will interview him next week.

1:09:01 to 1:26:33 mins–Meg Tully and Maggie Hamilton are two of about 47 teenage artists with artwork in the exhibition Top Arts 2017 which is on until 16 July at NGV Australia at Federation Square. ‘Top Arts presents exceptional work from students who have completed Art or Studio Arts as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)’. As David put it, these students are ‘the best of the best’. Meg really got into art from Year 11 but has always been interested in photography as it’s very accessible and real. She can see now how photography and art converge. Maggie is also a photographer, as well as a dirt-bike rider, and based her idea on women in Motocross. Maggie is actually in Year 12 now and had done her folio in Year 11; as students are allowed to take a couple of VCE subjects ahead of time. A supportive teacher had encouraged her to do that. Meg is at Uni now and, surprisingly, she chose to do science after a lot of deliberating.  But this is not set in stone and photography is still an important part of her life. Her subject is a compilation of 18 windows in an apartment and she tells of the unusual way she put it together with one window and models. She explains the ideas behind her theme of windows. Both girls talk about their experience of being chosen, meeting the other artists, seeing their work, and their favourite pieces.


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