Sunday Arts Magazine

29 May 2016

Second Anniversary Special Edition of Sunday Arts Magazine

Arts, Music, Performing Arts, TV & Film, Visual Arts

Second Anniversary Special Edition of Sunday Arts Magazine

It’s the Second Anniversary of Sunday Arts and the format is a little different. They’re bringing in guests who have previously been on the show and ask them “What is art to you?’ and ‘What is your favourite form of art or artist?” Brendan only saw ONE film this week-Alice through the looking glass-a sequel, which he considers a rehash of the first one (Alice in Wonderland) with only Helena Bonham-Carter making a good impression-2 stars.

Our 2nd Anniversary Guests today are:

15:49 to 35:26 mins–Angharad Wynne-Jones – Artistic Director of Arts House and Ande K, an indigenous artist and  Joy presenter of the show Black White and Rainbow. For Angharad, art is a way of understanding the world. When she looks at or participates in art she gets to understand herself and her responses and feels a connection to others such as the artist, their community and culture.  She can’t imagine life without it.  For Ande art is expression and separates us from the animal kingdom. It can be through storytelling, dance, theatre, painting, sculpture.  Ande’s art  is ‘traditional’ which he prefers as it shows respect for people in the past–their efforts and development of ways of expressing (mostly) storytelling. He is stretching the boundaries of this artform and at present is getting into 3D art.  Watercolours impress him as you work with light colours/light first and put in darker colours/shadows in later.  An artist who did this very effectively was prolific indigenous artist Albert Namatjira.  The work that Angharad most recently saw, that transformed her world, was that of Liz Dunn (a recent Joy interviewee) who created a walk for a small group– which involved walking through the streets, music and migratory birds– called Flyway. She found it was like a walking meditation. She then give details of shows at Art House now including–Blood on the Dancefloor by Jacob Boehme, Mira Fuchs by Melanie Jame Wolf, The Revolting Body (June 7 only).

36:20 to 58:09 mins–PR extraordinaire Di Rolle is very well known in the arts in Melbourne.  PR came later as she started off in TV behind the scenes at Channel 0 Melbourne and then went to work on Done Lane’s show at Channel 9 in Sydney and later on Steve Vizard’s show in Melbourne.  She regards this variety type show as true live television,  an actual artform, which has died in Australia. Then she went to work with promoter Paul Dainty for 7 years where she learnt a lot about people and was on the road with many different celebrities  including Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond, Harry Connick Jnr, Phil Collins, k.d.lang,  Michael Jackson and The Rolling Stones. She talks about how she worked with these people, consulting with their support team and accommodating their needs. Di is now managing the PR for the Melbourne Recital Centre.  Di has always loved music and loves working there.  She treats all the performers like rock stars as they’re superb at what they do. These singers enjoy coming to the beautiful Recital Centre. Acoustically, the Centre is considered one of the best in the world. Di is also working on a project Sydney Sings from 28 July to 7 August , incorporating Australian and international singers. Di loves all sorts of art and artists but the standouts for her are 1) Rudolf Nureyev, Lindsay Kemp, Johnny Cash, Mick Jagger and Elton John.  Anything that makes her feel emotion.  She’s seen a lot of great art in her PR work.

59:03 to 1:20:29 mins–Natasha Gadd is the Public Programs Manager at ACMI. She also has a film-making background and has worked at the AFI and previously at ACMI as a film programmer.  She also ran a documentary film festival focusing on human rights and social justice.    She loves music docos from the 1970s and docos generally, where there are incredible stories of ordinary people and ordinary stories of celebrities.  So she decided to make them herself starting with a music doco called Words from the City about Australian Hip Hop artists in the early days. It was received well and distributed widely. Art to Natasha is an expression of political and social documentary.  She also loves visual art, fine art & costume design. She loves her role at ACMI now as she considers it brings together ‘all things screen’ along with her production background.  She runs a team who curate events for the public as well as a digital-content team who produce content for the screens. At present the high profile exhibition is Scorsese on from 26 May to 18 September which is a celebration of his work from the early 1970s movies to his most recent TV series called Vinyl. There’s also a film program curated by David Stratton and a number of public programs and events so people can learn about him in detail with a series of experts. She and our hosts discuss Scorsese himself, his variety of films, his docos, his collaborations, his inspirations and longevity.

1:20:43 to     mins–Sarah Curro is First Violinist from the MSO and Paul Davies is an instrument-maker. Sarah has been on Joy many times so our hosts begin with Paul talking about his background. He has loved music from early childhood and describes an experience where he ‘got lost in music and art’. Sarah and Paul are MARRIED and they talk about how they met and how Sarah found out that he made traditional violins with a unique sound.  Paul learnt the craft here from a master-maker in the German tradition and then did more study and actually worked in the UK, all before finishing high school.  Paul also does amplified instruments and Sarah found this was exactly what she needed to express the music of the modern composers she commissioned for her solo show called Volume. Paul has a Facebook page for anyone interested in buying his instruments and as well as Australians, there have been many US buyers–including Grammy -award winning artists. With the art questions, Sarah’s favourite artform is theatre; or anything spoken-word. She loves it.  Music doesn’t feature because she’s a pro who’s been doing it as a job for a long time. For Paul it’s a struggle to answer the questions; especially ‘What is art?’.  Art to him is the reason why you get up in the morning. The reason why you do anything.  It’s just breathing.


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