The Informer

10 May 2016

The “Ex-Gay” movement

News & Politics

The “Ex-Gay” movement

The “Ex-Gay” movement is a primarily religious-based movement that attempts to “cure” people of same-sex attraction or change their behaviour. While it has been discredited by medical and psychological associations, the practices and messages of this movement persist to this day.

Timothy Jones is a historian who studies gender, sexuality and religion. He is conducting research with people who have had experience with the ex-gay movement in Australia. To find out more about Timothy’s research, email him on

We also spoke to Nathan Despott, who produced the Inside Ex-Gay radio series with JOY’s Dean Beck. Nathan was previously involved with the ex-gay movement and started this series to expose the ex-gay movement and counter its messages.

If this program has raised issues for you, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or QLife on 1800 184 527.

Presenters and producers: Claudine Chionh and Bart van der Werf.

Originally broadcast on Tuesday 10 May 2016.


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