The Informer

18 Jul 2017

What happens with Section 44? Doctor Who, Gender and identity conversations and Australias 1st Ice Hockey Pride Match : Tuesday 18th July 2017

Media, News & Politics, Sexuality, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What happens with Section 44? Doctor Who, Gender and identity conversations and Australias 1st Ice Hockey Pride Match : Tuesday 18th July 2017

The Informer for Tuesday the 18th of July hosted by Dean Arcuri.

We cross to Canberra where today Deputy Greens Senator Larissa Waters has resigned from the Senate after realising she holds dual citizenship and should never have been elected to Federal Parliament.

Section 44 of the constitution disqualifies potential candidates from election of Parliament of Australia if they hold dual citizenships, last week Deputy Greens Leader Scott Ludlam admitted that his election was invalid because he did not renounce his NZ citizenship, both were strong supporters of Marriage Equality.

So what exactly does this mean, that’s the question we ask Rod Swift, former candidate for the Australian Greens and former JOY electoral expert. Swift knows a lot about electoral law and his views are his own, he is not speaking on behalf of the party.

And then we hope in our very own Tardis!

For the past 54 years the title character of the iconic sci fi series Doctor Who has regenerated into a man,13 times in fact, allowing actors to continue to reimagine the role. It was announced this week that with a new producer next year a new Doctor will be taking on the role, with actress Jodie Whittaker taking up the mantel.

While there was plenty of praise and support with this new direction for the characters status quo,, there was also plenty of negativity and commentary on social media that took the conversation to uncomfortable levels.

Michelle Shepard, who hosts our very own TRANS POV podcast  here on JOY 94.9, came to talk to us about her concerns and some of the triggers she felt seeing this commentary and discrimination about gender change and identityin popular culture and was happy to share this with us on air.

Finally, while everyone’s talking about the big AFL Pride Match that’s happening this Saturday in Sydney, there’s another Pride Match happening this weekend in Melbourne that your not going to want to miss. The James Melbourne Mustangs are taking on the Newcastle Northstars in an Ice Hockey Pride Match, a first for the Australian Ice Hockey League.

In partnership  with the Melbourne Mustangs and Amensty international, the game will promote equality in sport, you can find out more details and book tickets here.



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