The Informer

25 Sep 2017

#mindthefacts, PFLAG calls out the real bullies and Calling for Equality : 25th September 2017

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#mindthefacts, PFLAG calls out the real bullies and Calling for Equality : 25th September 2017

On this episode we phone into the YES Campaign and finding out what it is like to talk to a stranger about their vote in the postal ballot. Joshua Briers shares his experience and frustration with some peoples ambivilance to the current climate of our country.

With 533,177 calls made so far, you can lend your voice to the campaign by clicking here.


Shelly Argent, the national spokesperson for PFLAG  joins us and after a wonderful Brisbane Pride she is all fired up about the fighters of equality being called bullies and she has something to say.


5 of the foremost mental health groups in the country have jointly released results which say enabling same-sex marriage would prevent 3000 teen suicide attempts a year. ReachOut, Headspace, Orygen, the Black Dog Institute and Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Centre shine a light on one of the biggest concerns the LGBTIQ community has been raising amidst the ongoing postal survey process and want to fight this fight the right way, with facts. #mindthefacts

Also, we would like to remind you that by today (25/09/17), all of the postal survey forms should have been received in your mail. If your postal survey hasn’t arrived, then today is the day that you can request a replacement form here.


Dean & Lara host this episode of The Informer


Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021

25 Nov 2021

Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021


– The federal government has tabled its long-awaited Religious Discrimination Bill. The legislation would weaken some existing protections for LGBTQIA+ ...