The Informer

27 Sep 2017

YES Campaign update and community can help find a cure for HIV : 27th September 2017

Health, HIV, Media, Medicine, News & Politics, Science & Medicine, Sexuality, Social Sciences, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

YES Campaign update and community can help find a cure for HIV : 27th September 2017

We aren’t even half way through the postal vote on same sex marriage but from door knocking to phone banks the YES Campaign have been spreading their stories about why marriage equality matters.

Joining Ruby and Ian on this episode of The Informer is Tiernan Brady, executive director from the Equality Campaign and a veteran of the Irish Yes campaign for an update

We also hear about the last 30 years of HIV research  and the importance of community involvement in making progress towards a cure with Professor Robert Gallo, the co- discoverer of the HIV virus and Cipri Martinez, an Australian community advocate.

Ian & Ruby are your hosts for this episode of The Informer


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