The Informer

14 Nov 2017

What happens after YES? Community Forum : Carolyn Evans

Marriage Equality, Media, Media, News & Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

What happens after YES? Community Forum : Carolyn Evans

What happens after YES?

Marriage equality and religious exemptions in Australia, the US and UK.

This audio is an excerpt from the community at the Wheeler Centre on Monday 13th November.

Two days before the outcome of the marriage equality postal survey is announced, a community forum and discussion featuring Carolyn Evans, Professor and former Dean of Melbourne Law School and an international recognised expert in religious freedom.

Should Australia vote YES, what legislation is likely to be proposed? Which laws already allow discrimination against LGBTIQ people, and what are the implications of extending religious exemptions beyond clergy and religious bodies? How can we learn from experiences in the US and UK?

Thanks to all the speakers who generously traveled to speak at the community forum and gave their time and Dean Arcuri for editing the podcasts.


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