The Informer

16 Apr 2018

“What we need is a Liberal dose of education” MP Warren Entsch on Conversion Therapy in Australia

gender, Health, intersex, LGBTIQ, Media, Medicine, News & Politics, Science & Medicine, Sexuality, Social Sciences, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

“What we need is a Liberal dose of education” MP Warren Entsch on Conversion Therapy in Australia

Over the weekend the news broke that a branch of the Victorian Liberal Party had drafted a motion that called for state legislation to allow health practitioners “to offer counselling out of same sex attraction or gender transitioning to patients who request it”. It also called for laws ensuring “parents and young people [would be] given full information about the psychological harms of social, medical and surgical gender transitioning”.

Many are concerned that the motion advocates for the legalisation of the controversial and widely criticised practice of conversion therapy.

The motion was meant to be put forward at the upcoming Liberal Party State Council meeting, but this morning Victorian Liberal Party President Michael Kroger intervened to stop the motion from being debated at the council meeting.

Rachel Tyler Jones spoke to the Federal Member for Leichhardt in Queensland, Liberal MP Warren Entsch as the news of Kroger’s intervention was breaking. Minister Entsch is a long time advocate speaking up for our communities in the Liberal Party, and he didn’t hold back when asked what he felt about this motion being put forward in his party

This episode of The Informer aired on JOY 94.9 on 16th April 2018.


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