The Informer

21 May 2018

Which losers are the winners of the 2018 GLORIA’s

Comedy, LGBTIQ, Marriage Equality, Media, Media, News & Politics, the informer, World News

Which losers are the winners of the 2018 GLORIA’s

The nominations have been made, the votes have been counted and the results are in – that’s right, the GLORIAs have been announced for 2018.

The Gay and Lesbian Outrageous, Ridiculous and Ignorant comment Awards, more commonly known as the GLORIAs, is a fun event that shines a light on outrageous, ignorant and plainly ridiculous public comments made about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) people in our communities every day.

There are eight categories in the GLORIAs, and the overall award, the Golden GLORIA, is given to the winner of one of those categories, for being the actual worst of the worst.

This year the GLORIAS have followed a special theme, focussing on comments made during the 2017 Marriage Equality campaign.

If you know someone who has made a ridiculous, outrageous or ignorant public comment about the LGBTI communities, go to to nominate them for next year’s GLORIAs.

This segment aired on JOY 94.9 on 21st May 2018


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