The Informer

18 Jun 2018

World Cup LGBT Safety Hotline set up in Russia

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World Cup LGBT Safety Hotline set up in Russia

This year’s FIFA World Cup is being held in Russia, a country that in recent years has made headlines for its moves back toward conservatism and away from individual human rights, specifically for the LGBTI community.

While homosexuality and the official changing of gender following sex-reassignment surgery are legal in the country, no anti-discrimination or protection of gender identity laws exist for LGBTI people, and most recently, ‘gay propaganda laws’ known officially as the federal Russian law “for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values” was enacted in 2013, which sees locals facing fines, businesses forced to stop trading for 90 days on top of hefty fines, and foreigners and tourists risking arrest, detainment for up to 15 days before being deported, as well as financial penalties if convicted.

Recognising this, a number of groups, including British MPs have spoken out, warning of the risk to LGBT soccer fans travelling to the country for the World Cup. More than active demonstration, fans travelling have been warning against holding hands and public displays of affection, or even waving rainbow flags during the event, citing concerns of violence and so called ‘fan hooliganism’ in retaliation, which has seen a significant rise in the country in the wake of the anti-propaganda laws, rather than specific bans.

Despite reported claims by the Ambassador and others, there are of course LGBT communities throughout Russia, albeit often underground, and they are not taking this threat lying down.

Instead, despite dealing with these struggles as part of their everyday lives, Russian LGBT activists are reaching out to those travelling to the country with support.

Coming Out is a St. Petersburg-based initiative established in 2008, which works for universal recognition of human dignity and equal rights of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This year, Coming Out has established a World Cup LGBT Safety Hotline in St. Petersburg, with similar organisations set up to service those in Moscow and other regions across Russia.

Dean Arcuri spoke with Polina from Coming Out about the hotline.

For more information you can go to

This segment aired on The Informer on JOY 94.9 on 18th June 2018


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