The Informer

27 Jun 2018

Tel Aviv Pride 2018

Government & Organisations, Health, Media, Mental Health, News & Politics, Sexuality, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

Tel Aviv Pride 2018

Pride celebrations in Tel Aviv drew record crowds this year.

Ruby Schwartz was at the parade and spoke to a group of people who blocked to protest it, refering to the Parade as pinkwashing.

Like on many other matters, the country is divided – many seeing Israel as an oasis for the LGBTI community in the Middle East, and many others believing the government uses the LGBTI community to improve its reputation while doing nothing to make their lives better.

Ruby takes us to this year’s Tel Aviv Pride, and shares with us the diverse opinions from Tel Aviv we often don’t get to hear.

This segment aired on The Informer on JOY 94.9 on 27th June 2018


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